Erik’s Update

imageYesterday was a huge day of progress! Erik came off of the ventilator, and is much more alert and interacting with all of us. The doctors reminded us that it may take a couple of days for his speech to return, as the vocal cords need some time to relax back into place. Of course, Erik being the overachiever that he is, he was already attempting to speak to us, and his first spoken word was, ‘WOW.’

His smile is back on his face, and we see him working so hard to begin to put the pieces together. We are helping him to connect the dots by sharing stories and pictures and reminding him of the amazing life that he has created. We tell him that we will help him get back to that life when all of the confusion of the present moment becomes distant memories.

But, for now, our practice is one of patience and hope. We get by on Erik’s smiles and the knowing nods and facial expressions. We share laughs and many memories of good times and relay messages from so many family members and friends who have also been standing by his side in prayers and support. We look forward to the day when Erik will argue with us over to better and more efficient way to get something done.

Our daily visits with Dr. Palma and Dr. Caceres have turned more upbeat, and we even shared a laugh hearing that Erik tries to get better service with his hotel “frequent flyer card” by calling himself Dr. Erik… (Dr. C was not so sure of that theory… but it did help us to illustrate more of who Erik is.) We have a feeling that the doctors are getting a kick out of the characters of Team Erik.

And, we also know that brain injury recovery takes time and focused support. Our next step is to help Erik get to the next best place to receive the very best in rehabilitation so that he can be back surfing the waves and enjoying life on the finca at the Costa Rica Yoga Spa. From here to this future vision, it will take time. We trust that we will continue to be guided and supported each step of the way, as we have been so far.

Charlotte and Richelle are looking into rehab options at Shepard Rehab Center in Atlanta, Georgia. They have a top-rated brain injury program, so the wheels are in motion for the next steps to play out. This next move will take a good amount of logistics navigation, and Charlotte (Erik’s MOM) has been holding down the fort from Pawley’s Island, SC, where she has been making calls and getting referrals and continuing to educate herself on the process of brain injury recovery. We speak daily with her, and we are all holding on together to help create the best options for everyone involved, and most importantly, Erik.

Please continue your prayers and focused vision for Erik to be progressing in such a continued positive way. The support of the collective is felt and welcomed as every day continues to show us the new road ahead.


imageAyer, fue un gran día de progreso! Erik salió del ventilador y es mucho más alerta e interactuando con todos nosotros. Los médicos nos recordaron que puede tomar un par de días para su discurso volver, como las cuerdas vocales necesitan algún tiempo para relajarse en su lugar. Por supuesto, Erik siendo el que es competente, ya intentaba hablar con nosotros, y fue su primera palabra hablada, “WOW”.

Su sonrisa está de vuelta en su cara, y lo vemos trabajando tan duro para empezar a juntar las piezas. Estamos ayudando a conectar los puntos por compartir historias y fotos y recordándole la vida increíble que ha creado. Le decimos que lo ayudaremos a regresar a esa vida cuando toda la confusión del momento presente se convierte en recuerdos lejanos.

Pero, por ahora, nuestra práctica es uno de paciencia y esperanza. Continuar las sonrisas y el saber asiente con la cabeza y expresiones faciales. Compartimos risas y muchos recuerdos de buenos tiempos y retransmitan mensajes de tantos miembros de la familia y amigos que también han estado de pie a su lado en oraciones y apoyo. Esperamos el día cuando Erik discutirán con nosotros sobre una manera mejor y más eficaz que se haga algo.

Nuestras visitas diarias con el Dr. Palma y el Dr. Cáceres se han vuelto más optimistas, y ni siquiera compartimos una risa escuchar que Erik intenta conseguir el mejor servicio con su hotel “tarjeta de viajero frecuente” por que se hace llamar el Dr. Erik… (Dr. C no era tan seguro de esa teoría… pero ayudó a ilustrar más de quien es Erik). Tenemos la sensación de que los médicos están saliendo una patada de los personajes del equipo Erik que nunca han dejado a su lado.

Y también sabemos que la recuperación de lesiones cerebrales toma tiempo y enfocado apoyo. Nuestro siguiente paso es ayudar a Erik a llegar al siguiente lugar mejor para recibir lo mejor en rehabilitación para que puede ser vuelve surfear las olas y disfrutar de la vida en la finca en el Spa de Yoga Costa Rica. Desde aquí a este futuro visión de dónde puede estar, tomará tiempo y confiamos en que seguirá guiado y apoyado en cada paso del camino, como hemos estado hasta ahora.

Charlotte y Richelle están investigando opciones de rehabilitación en el centro de rehabilitación de Shepard en Atlanta, Georgia. Tienen un programa de lesión cerebral los mejores, así que las ruedas están en marcha para los próximos pasos a jugar fuera. Esta jugada llevará una buena cantidad de navegación logístico y Charlotte (de Erik mamá) ha sido presionado el fuerte de isla, SC de Pawley, donde ella ha estado haciendo llamadas y consiguiendo referidos y continúan eduque sobre el proceso de recuperación de lesiones cerebrales. Todos los días hablamos con ella, y estamos todos juntos aguantando para ayudar a crear las mejores opciones para todos los involucrados y lo más importante, Erik.

Por favor continúe sus oraciones y centrado visión para Erik a estar avanzando de tal manera positiva continua. El apoyo del colectivo se siente y da la bienvenida a medida que continúan todos los días para mostrarnos el camino nuevo.

Day by Day…De Dia a Dia

imageYesterday, after 6pm, Dr. Palma informed us that he would be stopping the sedation again, so we headed back to CIMA to be there when Erik woke up. Initially, he was hard to awaken, but with time, he began to open his eyes and focus on each of us as we called his name and held his hand and spoke to him. A few days ago, he needed to be reintubated to manage his chest infection, which has been resolving nicely with time and medical intervention.

After a few minutes of being awake, we began to explain to him that he had been in an accident, hit his head really hard, and is being cared for at the hospital in San Jose. Unfortunately, with the ventilator in his mouth, along with the feeding tube, he is unable to speak back to us at this point, but we could tell by his facial expressions that he is understanding some or all of what is being explained to him (which is a HUGE piece of progress!) He was able to squeeze our hands to a simple command, but we didn’t ask for more than that at this time, as his brain is still connecting the dots on the input coming in from many directions.

Dr. Palma stood at the end of the bed watching our interactions, and we even had a couple of laughs together, and by the time he moved on to his next patient, we knew that we had navigated a huge milestone in Erik’s recovery.

We explained a few times to Erik that many people are loving him and praying for him, and all he needed to do was stay calm and we will be with him through every step. He was much more relaxed last night than we had seen him yet.

Brain recovery is not a linear process. Each day we will assess the progress and support Erik in making the best decisions to ensure that he will recover to the fullest potential. His family is discussing options of extensive rehab as the next step. Charlotte, Erik’s mom, is in contact with Shepard Rehab Center in Atlanta, Georgia. They have one of the best brain injury rehab programs in the country, and definitely the best in the southeast. We feel confident that Erik will meet the criteria needed to have him admitted, and we are already working with logistics to ensure that he will be transferred back to the states when he is medically cleared to do so.

We know that Erik’ long term desire is to be back at the finca with his family, in his house that is almost ready for move-in, in the surf with his buddies, and playing his weekly chess games with Alan. We know he misses Cherie’s cooking, and Taco Tuesdays at the Costa Rica Yoga Spa. We miss him telling us what to do and how to do it more effectively. We know that he would hate to have all of the details of this part of his life posted for the world to see on Facebook, but we have made some executive decisions on that end, because we know for a fact that it was important (and still is) in his recovery to have so many people from many different corners of the globe praying for him and sending him such strong positive energy for his recovery.

We continue to step cautiously day by day, and celebrate the successes, while staying calm and focused when things are unknown. I imagine that this is all any of us can do about anything. Let’s stay present and find gratitude for the small things in life while we also look towards a future of hope and potential. In this way, it’s not only Erik who heals…it is each one of us.


Ayer, después de 18:00, el Dr. Palma nos ha informado que él pasaría la sedación, así que nos dirigimos hacia la CIMA a estar ahí cuando desperté Erik. Inicialmente, era difícil de despertar, pero con el tiempo, comenzó a abrir los ojos y centrarse en cada uno de nosotros como nos llamó por su nombre y su mano y le habló. Hace unos días tenía que ser reintubated para gestionar su infección del tórax, que ha sido resolver muy bien con el tiempo y la intervención médica.

Después de unos minutos de estar despierto, que comenzamos a explicarle lo que había sido un accidente, golpeó la cabeza muy duro y está siendo tratado en el hospital de San José. Desafortunadamente, con el ventilador en la boca, junto con el tubo de alimentación, es incapaz de hablar a nosotros en este momento, pero por sus expresiones faciales podemos decir que él es entender algunas o la totalidad de lo que se le explica (que es una gran pieza de progreso). Él era capaz de exprimir nuestras manos a un simple comando, pero no pedimos más que eso en este momento, como su cerebro todavía está conectando los puntos en la entrada viene de muchas direcciones.

Dr. Palma se situó en el extremo de la cama viendo nuestras interacciones, y ni siquiera teníamos un par de risas juntos y por el momento se mudó a su próximo paciente, sabíamos que nos habíamos navegado un gran hito en la recuperación de Erik.

Explicamos un par de veces a Erik que muchas personas son amarlo y orar por él y todo lo que tenía que hacer era mantener la calma y nosotros estaremos con él a través de cada paso. Él era mucho más relajado anoche que lo habíamos visto aún.

Recuperación de cerebro no es a menudo un proceso lineal. Cada día se evaluará los avances y apoyamos a Erik en la fabricación de las mejores decisiones para asegurar que se recuperará para el máximo de sus posibilidades. Su familia está discutiendo opciones de rehabilitación extenso como el siguiente paso. Charlotte, madre de Erik, está en contacto con el centro de rehabilitación de Shepard en Atlanta, Georgia. Tienen uno de los mejores programas de rehabilitación de lesiones cerebrales en el país y sin duda el mejor en el sureste. Nos sentimos confiados en que Erik reunirá los criterios necesarios para tenerlo admitió que tampoco este programa, y ya estamos trabajando con la logística para asegurar que él será transferido a los Estados Unidos cuando médicamente está autorizado para hacerlo.

Sabemos que Erik’ a largo plazo deseo es regresar a la finca con su familia, en su casa que está casi listo para la mudanza, en el surf con sus amigos y jugar con Alan su ajedrez semanal. Sabemos que extraña Cherie cocinar y los martes de Taco en el Spa de Yoga Costa Rica. Lo extrañamos decirnos qué hacer y cómo hacerlo de manera más efectiva. Sabemos que gustaría tener todos los detalles de esta parte de su vida publicada por el mundo ver en Facebook, pero hemos hecho algunas decisiones ejecutivas sobre ello, porque sabemos a ciencia cierta que fue importante (y sigue siendo) en su recuperación a tanta gente de muchas diferentes rincones del mundo orando por él y le envía energía positiva tan fuerte para su recuperación.

Continuamos al paso con cautela al día y celebrar los éxitos, mientras que permanecer tranquilo y centrado cuando las cosas se desconocen. Me imagino que todo esto es cualquiera de nosotros puede hacer nada. Vamos a permanecer presente y encontrar gratitud por las pequeñas cosas en la vida, mientras que también miramos hacia un futuro de esperanza y potencial. De esta manera, no es sólo Erik que cura… es cada uno de nosotros.

In the Boat Together…En el Barco Junto

imageWe continue to navigate the waters of Erik’s recovery. Today is the day that Dr. Palma will take Erik off of the sedation, so we are playing the waiting game before we head to the hospital to meet him for our nightly meeting.

The plan is to finally pull him off of the sedation, and monitor his responses. We are all feeling very positive that he will continue to progress since we last saw him groggily awake at Hospital Mexico a couple of days ago.

He needed to remain sedated after his transfer to give the more time for recovery, and to also monitor his intracranial pressure. Erik’s ICPs remained in the normal range, so the next step is removing the sedation and then monitor his response over the next 24 hours.

We are all in the same boat of waiting to see what happens. Through all of the small and large steps that we have navigated together, we feel the power of the prayers and the focused positive support each one of you are sending.

Please keep the prayers coming!     image

Muchas Gracias…

Team Erik


Continuamos a navegar las aguas de la recuperación de Erik. Hoy es el día en que el Dr. Palma despegará a Erik de la sedación, así que estamos jugando el juego de la espera antes de cabeza al hospital para reunirse con él para nuestro encuentro nocturno.

El plan es finalmente sacarlo de la sedación y monitorear sus respuestas. Todos estamos sintiendo muy positivo que seguirá progresando desde último lo vimos algo mareado despierta en el Hospital México un par de días atrás.

Tenía que permanecer sedado después de su traslado para dar más tiempo para la recuperación y también supervisar su presión intracraneal. CIPS de Erik se mantuvo en el rango normal, así que el siguiente paso es la extracción de la sedación y luego monitorear su respuesta en las próximas 24 horas.

Estamos todos en el mismo barco de esperar a ver qué pasa. A través de todos los grandes y pequeños pasos que hemos atravesado juntos, nos sentimos el poder de las oraciones y el apoyo positivo enfocado cada uno de ustedes va a enviar.

Por favor guarde las oraciones viniendo!

Muchas Gracias…

Equipo Erik


Time Heals…Tiempo Cura

imageEach day in this very surreal journey feels more like a week’s worth of time. Our days are long and full and now very deep and significant as we continue to call on strength larger than our individual capacities. So, forgive me if I skim through some of the details of this whole experience to report back to Erik’s loved ones the general flow of what is happening in his recovery.

As more and more people receive the news that Erik is in San Jose, Costa Rica recovering from a severe head trauma, we are receiving many message asking “what happened?” “where can I send cards or flowers?” “what can I do to help?”

The accident happened 6 days ago. He hit his head and lost consciousness and was immediately taken to the hospital in Nicoya, which is about an hour and a half away from where we live in Nosara. The closest trauma center is in San Jose, where we are now, and what is more important than “what happened” is what is happening and how can we use our collective power of support to help Erik in this long recovery.

We feel all of the love that is coming Erik’s way. As each day goes by and we hear from his many circles of support (Kappa Alpha Fraternity Brothers, Clarity Colleagues, Wilmington friends, Family, Nosara friends and family), many people are asking for an address to send flowers or cards. For those of you who live outside of Costa Rica, please hold tight. The chances are by the time a card or gift reaches him here, we may be somewhere else. In the next couple of days, I will move all of this information to a separate site dedicated solely to Erik’s recovery, so that you may send messages and communicate directly from here. Don’t discount the gifts that you are sending through prayers and positive wishes. It is all felt and appreciated!

The last question of “what can I do to help?” continues to evolve. Right now, angels are coming out of the sky dropping into our path continuously. Just yesterday morning, we received a call from a friend who we met at the Costa Rica Yoga Spa (where Erik is building his house). She has a second home in Santa Ana, which is very close to Escazu, where Erik is in CIMA hospital. She opened up her home and welcomed us (Richele, James, Val and I) to stay as long as we need. We graciously accepted this offer, which was the item #1 on our “To Do” list yesterday. We were able to mark it off before the first coffee was finished. This opened up time and energy to spend focusing on Erik’s recovery.

In regards to additional help and support- those answers will come in time. We will need it and Erik will also, but to what extent we don’t know yet.

Last night we met with Erik’s two doctors: Dr. Palma (the admitting and intensive care MD who is amazing) and Dr. Cereras (the Neurosurgeon who is equally amazing). Charlotte (Erik’s mother) was able to be in the meeting by speaker phone and we were assured that all is going well to manage his medical condition and watch the pressure in his brain. They reminded us that often times, no news is good news and in this case, right now it is a lesson in patience.

As of yesterday, Erik has been resting comfortably, and we felt very pleased with the information that was relayed to us at the evening meeting with the doctors.

As with any traumatic moments in life, there are hidden lessons. As we are often reminded to see the light at the end of the tunnel, this is what we are holding to: hope and understanding that there are larger lessons  in this journey for all of us.

So, today is a new day, and we are taking it one step at a time through our laughter that turns to tears that turns back to laughter within moments. This is what I am constantly reminded of. Everything changes, and the best thing I know to do is stay present, strong and know that Erik will be able to handle what comes as time is a beautiful healer.


Cada día en este mismo viaje surrealista se siente más como una semana de tiempo. Nuestros días son muy largos y plena y ahora muy profundo y significativo, ya que seguimos llamando en la fuerza más grande que la capacidad individual. Por lo tanto, perdonar si me ojear algunos de los detalles de toda esta experiencia para informar a Erik de los seres queridos el flujo general de lo que está ocurriendo en su recuperación.

Como más y más personas reciben la noticia de que Erik se encuentra en San José, Costa Rica está recuperando de un traumatismo craneal grave, estamos recibiendo muchos mensajes preguntando ” ¿qué pasó?” ” ¿dónde puedo enviar tarjetas o flores?” ” ¿qué puedo hacer para ayudar? “.

El accidente ocurrió hace 6 días. Se había golpeado la cabeza y perdió el conocimiento y fue inmediatamente trasladado al hospital de Nicoya, que está a una hora y media de distancia de donde vivimos en Nosara. El centro de trauma más cercano se encuentra en San José, donde estamos ahora, y lo que es más importante que “lo que sucedió” es lo que está sucediendo y cómo podemos utilizar nuestro poder colectivo para ayudar a Erik en esta larga recuperación.

Nos sentimos todos el amor que viene de camino. Como cada día y nos enteramos de sus numerosos círculos de apoyo (Fraternidad Alpha Kappa, claridad Colegas, Wilmington amigos, familia, amigos y familia Nosara), muchas personas están pidiendo una dirección para enviar flores o tarjetas. Para aquellos de ustedes que viven fuera de Costa Rica, por favor mantenga apretado. Las probabilidades son, por el momento una tarjeta o regalo le llegue aquí, podríamos estar en otro lugar. En los próximos días, pasaré toda esta información a un sitio independiente dedicada exclusivamente a Erik de recuperación, de modo que usted pueda enviar mensajes y comunicarse directamente desde aquí. No descarte los dones que se está enviando a través de las oraciones y deseos positivos. Todo es sentido y apreciado.

La última pregunta de ” ¿qué puedohacer para ayudar?” sigue evolucionando. Ahora, los ángeles están saliendo del cielo cayendo continuamente en nuestro camino. Justo ayer por la mañana, recibimos una llamada de un amigo que nos encontramos en la Costa Rica Yoga Spa (donde Erik está construyendo su casa). Ella tiene una segunda casa en la ciudad de Santa Ana, que es muy cerca de Escazú, donde Erik está en hospital CIMA. Ella abrió su casa y nos dio la bienvenida (Richele, James, Val y yo) por el tiempo que necesite. Que aceptamos gentilmente esta oferta, que fue el elemento nO 1 de nuestra lista de “cosas por hacer” ayer. Hemos sido capaces de marcar, antes de que la primer café se terminó. Esto abrió un tiempo y unas energías para pasar de Erik la recuperación.

En lo que respecta a ayuda adicional y el apoyo de las respuestas con el tiempo. Necesitaremos, y Erik también, pero, ¿hasta qué punto aún no lo sabemos.

Ayer por la noche nos reunimos con Erik de dos médicos: Dr. Palma (la admisión y cuidados intensivos MD que es increíble) y el Dr. Cereras (el neurocirujano que es igual de increíble). Charlotte (Erik la madre) era capaz de estar en la reunión por teléfono con altavoz y se nos aseguró que todo vaya muy bien en el manejo de su condición médica y observe la presión en el cerebro. Nos recordaron que a veces, no hay noticias, buenas noticias y en este caso, ahora es una lección de paciencia.

Hasta el día de ayer, Erik ha venido descansando cómodamente, y nos sentimos muy complacidos con la información que se transmite a nosotros en la sesión de la tarde con los médicos.

Al igual que con cualquier momentos traumáticos en la vida, por lo que se ocultan las lecciones. Como a menudo se nos recuerda a ver la luz al final del túnel, esto es lo que estamos celebrando: esperanza y comprensión que hay grandes lecciones en este camino para todos nosotros.

Así pues, hoy es un nuevo día, y lo estamos llevando un paso a la vez a través de nuestra risa que se convierte en lágrimas que vuelve a risas en unos momentos. Esto es lo que me recuerda de forma permanente. Todo cambia, y lo mejor que sé hacer es seguir presente, fuerte y sabemos que Erik será capaz de controlar lo que viene ya que el tiempo es una hermosa curandero

Erik’s Progress…Progresso de Erik

imageErik is waking up and off the ventilator! His sister, Richelle, arrived yesterday, along with her husband, James. Richelle was very relieved to see that Erik was breathing on his own and able to open his eyes to focus on her for a moment.

Through the day, his condition continued to improve, and our focus now is keeping him calm so that the swelling can continue to decrease as he wakes up.

All of the doctors and nurses comment on the positive improvements that he is making and how he is strong and healthy and the next few days will continue to tell his progress and the next steps that need to be taken for the next steps in his recovery.

I truely believe that because that Erik is strong, healthy and unendingly stubborn that he will continue to improve with every day. All of us who are here in San Jose with him (Richelle, James, Val, Darin and I) know that the power of positive distance support is contributing to his progress.

We also know that Erik values his privacy, and doesn’t approve of Facebook, and so we are consciously using this a forum only to pass the updates on his progress to those who can love and care for him from afar.

I am so happy that Richelle and Stafford made the decision to jump on a plane yesterday to be here with him and us. We have shared in many laughs and and in happy Erik stories and know that in doing so, we are holding the space for him to recover in the best way possible. I know that the news of this accident has shaken us all to the core, and I realize how Erik has touched so many people in so many ways, and the only thing I can ask now is to keep the support, faith and hope that he will recover so that he may continue to enjoy his life fully surrounded by those he loves and (of course) get back into the surf! Let’s hold only these thoughts in our minds, hearts and prayers and trust that we are also guided by forces that are unseen but strongly felt by him and all who are caring for him.image

We are completely happy and confident with the care that has been given at Hosptial Mexico. The staff is professional, and we are all working moment by moment to put all of the pieces together. It is a group effort to support him to recover fully in whatever way is meant to be. If you are reading this, you are a part of that group effort, so I ask you to take a moment, close your eyes and send Erik only the best strength and healing thoughts you are able to send.

He will get through this with everyone’s love and strength.


Erik está despertando para arriba y apagar el ventilador. Su hermana, Richelle, llegó ayer, junto con su marido, James. Richelle estaba muy aliviado al ver que Erik estaba respirando por su propio y capaz de abrirle los ojos a centrarse en ella por un momento.

Durante el día, su condición continuó mejorando, y nuestro enfoque ahora es mantenerlo tranquilo para que pueda continuar la inflamación disminuyendo a medida que se despierte.

Todos los doctores y enfermeras comentan las mejoras positivas que está haciendo y cómo está fuerte y saludable y los próximos días continuará su avance y los próximos pasos que deben tomarse para los próximos pasos en su recuperación.

Verdaderamente creo que porque ese Erik es fuerte, saludable e infinitamente testarudo que continuará mejorar cada día. Todos los que están aquí en San José con él (Richelle, James, Val, Darin y yo) sabe que el poder de apoyo positivo distancia está contribuyendo a su progreso.

También sabemos que Erik valora su privacidad y no aprueba de Facebook, y así estamos conscientemente usando este foro sólo para pasar las actualizaciones sobre su progreso a quienes pueden amar y cuidar a él desde lejos.

Estoy tan feliz que Richelle y Stafford tomó la decisión de ayer un avión para estar con él y nosotros. Hemos compartido en muchas risas y en feliz Erik historias y saber que al hacerlo, estamos celebrando el espacio en recuperarse de la mejor manera posible. Sé que la noticia de este accidente nos ha sacudido a la base y me di cuenta cómo Erik ha tocado a tantas personas de muchas maneras, y lo único que puedo hacer ahora es mantener el apoyo, fe y esperanza de que se recuperará para que él pueda continuar disfrutar de su vida completamente rodeada por aquellos que él ama y (por supuesto) volver a las olas! Seamos sólo estos pensamientos en nuestras mentes, corazones y oraciones y confianza que también nos guiamos por las fuerzas que son invisibles pero fuertemente sentida por él y todos los que cuidan de él.

Somos completamente feliz y confiado con el cuidado que se ha dado en el Hosptial México. El personal es profesional, y estamos todos trabajando momento a momento a todas las piezas juntas. Es un esfuerzo colectivo para apoyarlo a recuperarse totalmente en lo que está destinado a ser. Si estás leyendo esto, eres parte de ese esfuerzo de grupo, así que los invito a tomar un momento, cierra los ojos y enviar a Erik solamente la fuerza mejor y curación pensamientos que son capaces de enviar.

Conseguirá a través de esto con el amor y la fuerza.

Believe in Miracles…Creer en Milagros

On Thanksgiving morning, I discovered that my friend, Erik, was beginning the fight of his life as a result of a freak accident that left him unconscious the night before. The majority of the details of the accident are unimportant, other than he was with friends who were immediately able to put a plan of action into place. The ambulance was called, and synchronistically, there was an MD who happened to be at the scene of the accident and stabilized Erik until the paramedics could get to him. This is Miracle #1.

He hit his head hard enough to knock him unconscious, and was transported to the hospital in Nicoya, about an hour and a half from Nosara. Our friend, Valerie, was with him in the ambulance, and Jill and Ben (our adopted “parents” here in Costa Rica) drove to be with him at the hospital. Because the hospital in Nicoya is not set up for diagnostics, they transported him to Liberia forimage CT scans, which showed a skull fracture and swelling of the brain.

That day felt like thespan of two weeks, but at the end of Thanksgiving, Erik had been transferred to Hospital Mexico in San Jose, Costa Rica, and I arrived by 9pm. I had the opportunity to speak with the ER physician later in the night after Erik went into more CT scans. At this point, they were keeping him medically sedated (which they commonly do with acute head trauma to give the body time to heal and time for the swelling to subside). The doctor informed me that Erik has sustained a severe head trauma, and that the plan at that time was to keep him sedated for at least 48 hours and monitor him medically.

I immediately revert to Occupational Therapist mode, and have gratitude for the years I spent working in brain injury rehab and acute care trauma, so when I went it to be with Erik, I was already prepared mentally. He was hooked up to the typical machines and tubes that I would have expected, and a ventilator was doing the work of breathing for him. I stood by his side and held his hand and told him that I loved him and that so many people love him and that he is going to pull through this.

The charge nurse that night, Guillermo, was an absolute angel, and reminded me of the miracles that can happen as people recover from trauma. I was grateful for that reminder, and know it firsthand from being a part of many people’s recovery processes as a therapist. Now, when it is my own friend (and actually Erik is more than a friend, he is family to me), I am even more appreciative for this reminder and belief in healing.

The next morning (Friday), not much has changed. The visiting times are scattered through the day, and they only allow visitors in the area where he is for 30 minutes at a time, and one visitor at a time, so I make a visit again at noon, after being in touch with his sister, Richele and his mother, Charlotte. I tell them that I will be with him for as long as it takes here in San Jose, and for them to stay put right now until he regains consciousness and we can assess the needs that he will have. They all agree that is the best option, and I promise to be in touch on a daily basis to update them on his progress.

Darin, our good friend (another friend who is more like family) and the owner of the land where we live and where Erik is building his house, is also here in San Jose, and came with me to see Erik at the 5pm visiting time. He spoke with the ER doctor,  who was present, and told us that the next day (Saturday) in the afternoon, they would attempt to take Erik off of the ventilator.

So this is where we are now.

I spent a good amount of my time yesterday responding individually to messages asking for details, and have quickly realized that there is a better way to give the updates than responding to all of the requests for information. So, for now, this is the easiest way for me to communicate to all of the people who know and love Erik and are in his circle of support for this healing process.

The best thing that I know to do now is stay positive and know that if anyone can pull through this, it is Erik. He has so many things on his side…his health, his family and friends and most importantly…his spirit. image

Stay positive and believe that miracles happen, and send all of the love, prayers and support his way.


Al día de acción de Gracias, descubrí que mi amigo, Erik, empezaba la pelea de su vida como consecuencia de un accidente que lo dejó inconsciente la noche anterior. La mayoría de los detalles del accidente es insignificantes, que estaba con amigos que fueron inmediatamente capaces de poner un plan de acción en su lugar. La ambulancia fue llamada, y sincrónicamente, hubo un MD que pasó a ser en la escena del accidente y había estabilizado a Erik hasta que los paramédicos pudieran llegar a él. Este es el milagro #1.

Golpeó la cabeza lo suficiente dejarlo inconsciente y fue transportado al hospital de Nicoya, sobre una hora y media de Nosara. Nuestro amigo, Valerie, lo acompañaba en la ambulancia, y Jill y Ben (nuestros “padres adoptivos” aquí en Costa Rica) volvió a estar con él en el hospital. Porque el hospital de Nicoya no está configurado para el diagnóstico, lo transportaron a Liberia para tomografías computarizadas, que demostraron una fractura de cráneo y una inflamación del cerebro.

Ese día sentí como el lapso de dos semanas, pero al final de acción de Gracias, Erik había sido transferido al Hospital México en San José, Costa Rica, y llegué por 21:00. Tuve la oportunidad de hablar con el médico ER más tarde en la noche después de Erik entró más tomografías computarizadas. En este punto, ellos sedado médicamente mantenían (que habitualmente hacen con traumatismo agudo para darle al cuerpo tiempo para sanar y es hora de que disminuyen la hinchazón). El doctor me informó que Erik ha sufrido un severo trauma en la cabeza, y que el plan en ese momento fue sedado durante al menos 48 horas y monitorearlo médicamente.

Inmediatamente regresará al modo de terapeuta ocupacional y tiene gratitud por los años que pasé trabajando en la rehabilitación de lesiones de cerebro y cuidados agudos traumas, así que cuando fui a estar con Erik, ya estaba preparada mentalmente. Estaba conectado a las típicas máquinas y tubos que hubiera esperado, y un ventilador estaba haciendo el trabajo de la respiración para él. Estaba parado a su lado y su mano le dije que lo amaba y que tanta gente lo ama y que va a salir de esta.

La enfermera esa noche, Guillermo, fue un ángel y me recordó a los milagros que le pueden pasar como gente recuperarse del trauma. Yo estaba agradecida por ese recordatorio y sabes directamente de formar parte de los procesos de recuperación de muchas personas como terapeuta. Ahora, cuando es mi amigo (y de hecho Erik es más que un amigo, es mi familia), estoy más agradecido por este recordatorio y creencia en la curación.

A la mañana siguiente (viernes), no ha cambiado mucho. Los tiempos de visitas están dispersos a lo largo del día, y sólo permiten visitantes en la zona donde está durante 30 minutos a una hora y una visita a la vez, para hacer una visita otra vez al mediodía, después de haber estado en contacto con su hermana, Joella y su madre, Charlotte. Les cuento que estaré con él mientras hace falta aquí en San José y para que se queden ahí ahora hasta que recupera la conciencia y podemos evaluar las necesidades que tiene. Todos están de acuerdo que es la mejor opción, y prometo estar en contacto diariamente para actualizarlos en su progreso.

Darín, nuestro buen amigo (otro amigo que es como familia) y el propietario de la tierra donde vivimos y donde Erik está construyendo su casa, está también aquí en San José y vino a ver a Erik a las 17:00 hora de visita. Habló con el médico de urgencias, que estaba presente y nos dijo que al día siguiente (sábado) por la tarde, intentaría tomar Erik encima del ventilador.

Así que esto es donde estamos ahora.

Pasé una buena cantidad de tiempo ayer responder individualmente a los mensajes pidiendo detalles y rápidamente se han dado cuenta de que hay una mejor manera de dar las actualizaciones que responde a todas las solicitudes de información. Así que, por ahora, esto es la forma más fácil para mí comunicar a toda la gente que conoce y ama a Erik y en su círculo de apoyo a este proceso de curación.

Lo mejor que sé hacer es mantener una actitud positiva y sabe que si alguien puede tirar a través de esto, es Erik. Tiene muchas cosas a su lado… su salud, su familia y amigos y más importante… su espíritu.

Mantener una actitud positiva y creo que los milagros suceden y envían todo el amor, oraciones y apoyo su camino.

Get Ready to Navigate the Wormhole

I’m usually not as effected by the full moon, but last night’s was different.  I don’t run my life in comparison to the movement of planets and nodes, although I have some great friends who do just that and, at times, I rely on them for their insights of my own astrological movements. Yesterday, was not only a full moon, but a lunar eclipse, a strong one.  So strong, that I went online in search of what’s up within the bigger cosmological picture.  This is what I found: “Because of the geometrical angles that are currently in place, we are going to experience two Lunar Eclipses with a Solar Eclipse sandwiched in between them.  This three-in-a-row configuration is what is known as a wormhole.  Just like in a sci-fi special effect (or for real, in the world of quantum physics) a wormhole picks you up in one place in time/space and transports you clear across time/space into brand new territory.  Such is the lay of the land from this April 25th through June 7th.  The more aware you are of where you want to go, the more likely you will be to land somewhere you will be happy to be.

toral fieldA lot has gone on in the past few months.  There have been a number of Fingers of God; dozens of them, in fact.  These are moments where the fork in the road has been undeniable and unavoidable.  Habits and patterns are being dropped like layers of clothes that suddenly become obsolete as things heat up.  I trust that you have been facing these moments of choice by taking the higher road to the best of your ability to do so.”

Great…a wormhole.  It makes perfect sense.  And, there’s more… “If you thought that the phenomenon of thought manifesting instantly into form has been increasing of late, get ready for more, because a wormhole multiplies that process abundantly!” (Dr. Michael Lenox, )

Of course.  But, what if my thoughts are all over the place? It’s time to let the truth rise to the surface.  It’s time to slow down, pay attention and get clear.

Bradley Creek, Wilmington, NC

So, I put the computer away and sat on the sofa looking at the super-high creek through the glassed windows of my little hide-away. The water was full and pregnant, reflecting the light of the moon.  I sat and watched my mind’s visions.  One path continues to take over in my daydreams.  It’s a surprising one. Truth is rising to the surface.  I imagine it is time to gain greater clarity, and put into action the bigger vision.  No time like the present than to masterfully navigate the movement through the wormhole.

The New Paradigm


noun \ˈper-ə-ˌdīm, ˈpa-rə- also -ˌdim\

: example, pattern; especially   : an outstandingly clear or typical example or archetype
: a philosophical and theoretical framework of a scientific school or discipline within which theories, laws, and generalizations and the experiments performed in support of them are formulated; broadly   : a philosophical or theoretical framework of any kind
Just before my return to Central America for the solstice of 2012, my friend and teaching colleague, Rebecca Kovacs, calls me in an excited state.
“OK, I’m ready to do this.  Here’s the name:  The Yoga Paradigm.  What do you think?”
I had been waiting for the next steps to show themselves.  I felt the old chapter coming to its close: the one where I had been working too hard with ego coming through the door first.  I was ready to retire my old ways of doing and forcing and struggling.
My entrance into the world of business happened when I was a naïve 20-something year old.  At the time, I envisioned a collaborative business partnership where we would share the successes and joys equally and create something that would sustain itself until I was ready for retirement.
Retirement came early for me.  Before the ink was signed on the lease, the partnership that I envisioned was already crumbling around me.  Although I had 3 very capable business partners in the mix, I found myself sitting alone at the negotiation table solely signing my life and my assets as collateral on the lease for our new Yoga studio.  Already, there was a growing pit of dis-ease that I tried to sweep away, because my mind wanted to believe in the support of my partners.
No matter which way we tried to spin it, that gnawing sensation at the signing of the lease was more telling than I initially realized.  In 2010, I finally came to terms that I could not revive the life of a business that was built on such a shoddy foundation.
The next 3 years, I spent in a paradigm that was exhausting, but very familiar.  I just did it alone.  Only 2 weeks after closing the doors of my Yoga studio in Wilmington, NC, I found myself teaching my first 21 day Yoga Teacher Training Immersion.  My years of non-stop work prepped me for the intense teaching schedule, and although it was an exhausting process, it was at the same time exhilarating and a pivotal time of growth in my life.
I finally felt the opportunities to put my practice into reality in a more radical way.  I felt like I was beginning again.
Until that paradigm suddenly no longer fit.
I began yearning collaboration and partnership.  But, I also had in my memory what it was like to be in a partnership that was unsupportive, and I knew that I needed to choose in a more discerning way this time.
Then, I met Rebecca.  At the ice cream shop.
She was one of the new managers of the Costa Rica Yoga Spa.  I had already been cc’ing all of my emails her way (poor girl), and I just knew her as followyourdharma at yahoo.  I pull up to Robin’s Ice Cream in Playa Guiones to say hello to a friend.  He introduced me to Rebecca, and immediately I recognized her.
It took no time for us to realize that we had already been communicating, and she offered to buy me an ice cream and sit for a chat.  Of course, I love her already.
A couple of months later, I return to the Yoga Spa for my next 21 day Yoga Immersion.  Rebecca was there as support staff.  She slipped into many of the early morning classes and breathwork sessions.  Just watching her practice was an inspiration, not only to me, but the students around her.
In the last days of the training, we met in the kitchen on a break.  I remember it vividly.
Rebecca is lying on the bench, hand on her head.  It had been an intense month.  The Yoga Spa is still in the organization phase, which is usually not the forte of a yogi.
“What are you doing here in this role?”  I ask compassionately, trying to understand Rebecca’s perspective.  “You should be teaching.”  I had never actually seen Rebecca teach, but I could tell by her practice and her presence that she could knock it out of the park when she wanted.
“I don’t know,”  was her response.
So, I threw it out there, “you could teach with me.  I am looking to collaborate again.  I’m tired of working solo.”
That March’s conversation were the seeds that finally sprouted in the summer.
pujaRebecca ventured to Guatemala to teach with me at Lake Atitlan in August of 2012, just before my 39th birthday.  It was the best birthday gift:  I was able to finally exhale and surrender to a greater support.
A little over 3 months later, The Yoga Paradigm was born.  It was the marriage of her practice and mine.  The paradigm is the merging of two traditions and journeys.  Our collaboration’s inception prompted us to explore the concept of our sadhana, practice, and philosophy, and lay the path for a new direction into the new life cycle that we are all navigating ahead:  the path to the center of the heart.
We spent time envisioning, creating, designing, theorizing, and finally, in March of 2013, our first offering of The Yoga Paradigm was presented in our home space at the Costa Rica Yoga Spa.  As Rebecca and I taught together and spent every waking hour in practice, conversation, in presence and support of one another, I knew something was different.
I finally understood what it felt like to be in a relationship with an equal.  I felt the support of knowing that “someone had my back.”  The turning point was for me was the discussion of the heart chakra, and the description of authentic relationship.
As we shared within the group circle that day, my heart recognized that I had been operating from a very old, dysfunctional paradigm of relationship for the majority of my life.  I was ready to surrender and create space for something new.
In these early, defining moments of our offering, I understand now the relationships of my previous life. I have a greater appreciation, knowing that contrast breeds clarity.  And, sometimes, we have to understand what we don’t want in order to understand what we do want and have the capability to create and sustain.
I now know what it feels like to be in right relationship, and I am ready to strengthen all of my relationships from this foundation.  Buckle up for the next adventure!
Join Rebecca and me for an immersion into The Yoga of Authentic Relationships.  Our next Yoga ashyrebeccaboatTeacher Training will be held at the Costa Rica Yoga Spa in Nosara, Costa Rica, June 29-July 20, 2013. 
If you can’t make it for the full 21 days, we are happy to support you for a portion of that time.  The space and curriculum allows for your own unique adventure, so even if you have no intentions of becoming a Yoga teacher, join us if you just want to be a better human…that’s enough!

Is the Grass Ever Greener?

It’s always interesting to return “home”.  Wilmington, NC was my home for the duration of my adult life so far.  It was the place that I chose once I visited in the summer following gross anatomy.  My friends and I made it through 6 weeks of summer session gross anatomy, studying night and day and practically living in the cadaver lab at ECU’s Medical School.  To celebrate our accomplishment, we made the 2 hour drive for a weekend vacation.  Wrightsville Beach by day and downtown Wilmington by night.  I immediately fell in love with the quirky town that sits between the intercoastal waterway and the Cape Fear River.  As we drove over the bridge, heading back to Greenville, I knew in my heart that I would live in Wilmington one day.


photo by LeeAnn Fuller Photography

The second time I returned was a year and a half later, to look for an apartment.  I knew no one, and spent most of the second trip driving around lost and in circles (these were the days before GPS and cell phones).  All I knew was that this place was calling me.  I needed to be in Wilmington.

Because I always have a plan, I started working as a waitress at the Outback Steakhouse in Charlotte, knowing that there was one in Wilmington, so I could arrive with a job already in place.  Most of my classmates from OT school already had sweet jobs lined up, but I was in slow mode.  I didn’t want the “real job” yet.

The Outback gig lasted only a couple months, when I officially got fed up and seriously considered what I was doing.  I decided that for me to be happy, it was time for the real job.  The real job was working in a nursing home from 7am-3pm, M-F.  It felt like the beginning of the end.  I lasted there only a few short months.  I was bored out of my mind.  My nourishment consisted of crap from the vending machines and typically, my first 20 ounce Coke was finished by 10am every day.  I would fall asleep doing chart reviews, and dreamt of my exit from this “real” job one day.  The grass had to be greener.

And it was for a little bit.  I found a job at another nursing home, closer to my house with a larger rehab department with co-workers my age.  I was happy again, until I wasn’t.  When I found myself crying in the bathroom almost daily, I realized it was time to find the next place.

I knew that once I landed my dream job at the local hospital, this would really be it.  I had freedom, autonomy, and worked in acute care, which meant I was always on the go.  But of course, the story continued.  At some point, I felt that same wave of desire for greener pastures.

Luckily, this was the same time that I began practicing yoga, so my response to the gnawing pit of desire in my core could be easily pacified with deeper breaths, and slowing down to refocus my mind on gratitude.

That worked for awhile.

Until it no longer worked.

Fast forward a decade…I was at it again.

Perched from my vantage point in my life’s comfort zone, I had everything that I desired in my years prior: a successful business, a super cute house, lots of friends and my health.    But, more and more, I began to notice that the life I was living, I was very resentful of.  I found myself becoming jealous of the other teachers floating in and out of Wilmington from far off places like Thailand, India and Bali.  Eventually, my desire for greener pastures won, and I went searching for this new and better life in Costa Rica.


photo by Ray Moss

Sometimes, the grass is greener in Costa Rica, literally greener, because of the sheer nature of the land and the country.  But, sometimes, the greenness is covered so deeply in dust, you don’t notice the brilliance.  I am starting to believe that it is more about perspective…what we choose to see.


Many times, I have been lured back to Costa Rica beginning with my 1999 introduction to her beautiful land, people and culture.  And, once again, I thought, “When I move to Costa Rica, life will be perfect.”  When I finally arrived, looking through the lens of an ex-pat resident (not to be confused with a legal resident) of Costa Rica, it didn’t take me long to remember that wherever I go… there I am.

At times recently, I have started to be unable to see past the dust and the heat, but this time I know better than to try to run towards greener pastures.  I know enough now to let my resentments and struggles be my reminder to pause, take a deep breath and surrender to the full and present moment.

And then, I realize that I have had a huge hand in creating just the life that I have been so frustrated by.  And the frustration usually turns to laughter at this point.

Enjoy every sweet challenge along the way.  It’s what gives life its adventure!



The Transition


Today is the day.  I’m finally letting go of my old paradigm.  Seaside Yoga.  Since 2001, I have identified myself through my relationship to my business.  It was my first baby.  It was my first marriage.  It was my Master’s in Business, my Doctorate in Philosophy.  It was everything.  Until today.  Today is the day that we complete the last module of Yoga Teacher Training.

In my 20s, I identified with my accomplishments.  In my naïve state, I thought that I would own 1/2 million dollars in real estate by the time I was 30.  Little did I realize that the banks would actually own the real estate, and I would be paying a hefty price tag of interest each month.

I identified with my business and the successes.  I identified deeply with my failures, which took me into a debilitating depression when my first business partner left the scene.  Both sides of the identification created suffering.  I can now see the strong hold that the mind has on the psyche.

And now, as I approach my 40s, with no house, no car, no real estate to manage, I feel more freedom and happiness than I ever have.  Today symbolizes so much as I close the Seaside Yoga chapter of my life and prepare to step more fully into a new paradigm.

I realize now that I am just beginning.  It is an exciting juncture to begin again with no expectations.  At 28, opening my business, I was full of expectations.  I expected the people I worked with to have the same work ethic as me.  I expected my business to be my retirement plan.  I expected to stay in Wilmington, NC for the rest of my life and live happily ever after.

No expectations, no plan…only trust in following my heart towards then next best step.  I finally know what that feels like.

Join me on the next steps of my adventure…who knows where that will lead any of us!

#theashleyludadventure on